Getting ready to head to the airport....I can't say that I got much work done today but I guess I got a little done. The worst part is that now it is all going to sit on my desk until almost two weeks from now when I will be back.
Here is the hotel that I am staying at tonight...looks nice! . For some reason I feel like they might have cabana boys or something of the like.....tonight is a cocktail hour and light snacks. The whole point of me going down there is to meet and mingle with they can put a face with the name that they get emails from. I always think that it is harder for people to be mean to you when they have actually met you and don't just think that you are an evil Corporate person sending them emails. We will see how my theory plays out. I look forward to getting to know them. Since my department is so new no one really knows what it does and since the title is Compliance they all assume they are in trouble but that really doesn't have anything to do with what I do so I have to do a mini PR campaign every time I meet someone new.
As I sent in the email...I decided to keep this blog public but started another one to talk about all the crazy stuff people do and ask for on the business side of things for me...if you want to read that one, I am going to make it private so just let me know and I will add your address. I can't promise it will be entertaining all the time, but it will at least help me vent and it might be good for a laugh every now and then. I really dig the blogging and I like to read everyone's every day. I get a little sad though after I have read them all and don't have anymore to read for the night...I need to get some more blogging friends :-) At least this is a lot easier for me than MySpace...I am a spaz when it comes to that and can't seem to figure it out at all. It is too cluttered for me...this is much more my style.
Is anyone else really excited about the Sex and the City movie?? I can't wait!
11 hours ago