I am tired this morning....Jennifer and I booked our trip to Greece last night...I am so excited...I am also really sad that Morgan can't go but she needs to go to law school and be a smart lawyer or something, which apparently is more important...Geez....
Thanks for the comments on the website...I was going for something that was happy and that sort of had a branding to it..the website I order my pictures from had a business card sale so I already ordered business cards that match so I am glad that you like it :-) I had already run it by a few people, including Morgan who is my go to person when it comes to anything creative...she is just so good at it. It was actually her idea for the font that I used and I love it.
So, a few of us were talking in the car on Saturday in our "tour de babies" and we got to talking about finances and how some people just do not understand the most common sense of financial items. The thing is, I don't think that it is because the people are not smart, I just think that it is because they have never been taught. I was fortunate enough to have plenty of business classes in college where I learned this type of thing...I actually specialized in finance in grad school because it was so interesting to me, but I realize that not everyone has this.... All this to say that I thought it would be fun/interesting to start a blog about finances...sort of the common sense of finances, not anything complicated but just general things that people might not know. So, I am looking to you guys to see if you have any ideas....what are some of the things that people you know don't understand about finances that I could research and write about? Things that I can think of are 401k's, credit card debt, having a savings account, whether you should pay off your mortgage early, what to use home equity loans for, that type of stuff. I want it to be more of a down to earth common sense approach that people would understand...not that I even know who would read it but I just think that it would be interesting.... I know that everyone has a friend who has told them some crazy thing they did with their finances and it made you cringe, so let me know what those things were. Side note...I am meeting with a financial planner on Monday, should be interesting to see what he says to me about my own finances :-)
By the way, I love this blogging business :-) I spent way too much time on it last night (I was reading Molly's again) and didn't meet my goal for editing all the pics...that is my least favorite part of the photog business..I am getting more efficient at it though so that is good.
18 hours ago
You could talk about car loans, leasing cars, etc. I've always felt you should never pay interest on a depreciating asset so we have paid our calls in full at purchase. Not sure we will always be able to do that, but I also took advantage of a 0% financing right after 9/11
That is a good one...that is the sort of stuff that I am talking about...nothing that is earth shattering or anything, just common sense stuff that could help people make decisions....there are arguments for leasing cars vs. buying them....
I like the car loan stuff. People always focus on that new car, but it is so much better to wait and try to pay cash. They lose soooo much money so quickly.
On the subject of these blogs - I am so loving it to! It is so great to keep up with everyone at the same time.
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