I do realize that if I was truly organized then I would have posted this on Feb 1st, but then there wouldn't be a reason to dedicate a whole month to getting organized if I was already there.
Anyway. Here is my list of goals for the month:
1. Go through the box of magazines and tear out workouts/recipes/patterns that I want to keep instead of keeping the whole magazine. Find a way to organize them in binders or some other fun way.
2. Clean out all the boxes in my closet (some are things that have been packed up for a while like financial items for my photography business or prior year taxes). I want to organize them.
3. Find a place for everything. Get rid of anything that doesn't have a place.
4. Put everything in its place after I use it (this will be the toughest one for me...especially if I am going to use it again the next day).
5. Put my clothes away every day...doesn't seem hard, I know.
6. Clean out email every Friday so that it is only action items left. Delete and file emails as they come in (this is tough because once I file them I can't get them on my bb and I am normally using my bb).
7. Go through mail daily (or on Fridays if it is a travel week) and set up bills to be paid. I use online banking so I can change the pay date and have them pay when it is time instead of waiting with bills sitting around.
8. Organize all negatives into slots and put all paper photos in boxes or albums.
9. Clean out all cabinets and commit to do so every 3 months.
10. Put all tasks on a to do list with due dates and complete them by their due date 80% of the time.
I think that is it right now. I bought a picaboo groupon yesterday for $35 and I get $100 worth of stuff (shipping included) so I am going to work on that this weekend. They also have a code right now for 25% off so I am thinking that I could probably get a really good deal :-) YAY!!
Other than that I will be cheering on the PACKERS!!! YAY!!
Oh yeah, and making that resolution chart that I keep forgetting to do.
17 hours ago
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