Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

Does anyone make these anymore? I like to make them...but I am not exactly sure why. I don't stress if I don't meet them or anything but I think that I just like the tradition of it all.

This year I am going to do it a little differently and instead of making one big resolution (like losing weight or working out or whatever), I am going to participate in a happiness project. Drena talked about it a little bit in her blog when she was discussing how we went to dinner and discussed our flaws (kind of a cool discussion if you have the feelings that can take someone being honest with you. I think you know most of them anyway, you just have to be prepared for some one else to say them :-)) Anyway, there is a book called The Happiness Project where a woman takes a year and addresses different areas of her life that she wants to change slightly so she can feel more happy. I am only on page 50 but it sounds like exactly my sort of thing. I feel like I have been a little negative lately and I don't like that...especially when I have everything I could ask for and I really do love my life. I think that I just focus on the things that go wrong instead of focusing on all the things that go right. I am going to try to change that this year. I haven't completely come up with my list yet but as soon as I do I will share it. I think that my first month with be healthy eating. It will be a different take on the whole losing weight than what is typically done. As a side note, I did decide to do weight watchers. I actually signed up for it and recruited a friend...They have completely changed the program and it focuses more on healthy eating points for fruits and veggies. Since signing up I realized that I do NOT drink enough water (which is funny to me since I used to HAVE to have about 10 glasses a day) and I don't eat the recommended amount of fruits/veggies per day. These will be part of my goals. I have to admit that I am a little embarassed about signing up for it again because I feel like it is something that people do when they weigh 300lbs and all I really need to lose is about 15-20. But, at the same time, I feel like doing it on my own wasn't working and now I am paying money for it and have some accountability. I wish that my personality wasn't the type where I needed that accountability but it just is the reason that I signed up for a half marathon in Jan and it is the reason that I think having a system will help me out. I have been trying for quite a while on my own and I think that rules (but not cutting out foods) will help. I think my biggest problem is portion size and eating out. It makes me sick to see how many points some of my former favorite meals were at the restaurants I eat at for work Tomorrow I will post my first month's goals along will all the steps to get there..

I hope that everyone had a great and safe NYE...if you made a resolution, let me know what it was....I love hearing them. I have taken a serious break from everything so getting back into it will be a challenge!

1 comment:

m said...

Yea!!!! Your back! I have missed your blog! Did make some goals and thought about blogging them maybe later today or sometime this week....