So, I have been off work since Dec 21st and tomorrow I have to go back to work. I am almost (I said ALMOST) ready to go back. I have really liked having my free time but now that I have completed a lot of projects I am sort of ready to get back int to the swing of things at work. I know I will regret that in the next few months when work is crazy but oh well.
During my break I finished the following projects:
1. Finished the t-shirt quilt I had been working on for C for a year...literally (well, I worked on it last Christmas break and then only slightly after that). I had the top done and it pinned to the back so last Thursday I spent from 9-4 (mini break for a 3 mile walk and a shower) working on it and I surprised C with it when it got home. I also used it on Saturday night when I couldn't sleep and moved to the couch so I didn't wake up a sick C.
2. I finished the crocheted blanket for C's I just have to mail it. I had fully intended to do that today when I ran errands but then I forgot it at home..GRRR.
3. Cleaned out all of my t-shirts, running shorts/pants, tank tops, short sleeve shirts and jeans/pants. It was a huge I just have to clean out the long sleeve shirts and the sweaters. I tucked a couple of jeans from my skinnier days (NOT high school, just about a year and a half ago) in hopes I would get to bring them out again soon :-)
The one thing I didn't get to was the pictures of our trips but don't you guys worry, the winter here is pretty cold in case you haven't heard and there won't be many distractions between now and April so I hope to schedule that project for a couple weekends.
The last two days have gone well with the eating right stuff...I have stayed within my points all week and I have drank all my water and eaten all my veggies. It is becoming easier but I will definitely look forward to when my body finally accepts the extra water and stops trying to get rid of it...getting up twice at night is not cool.
I am a little anxious about going back to work because some pretty crazy stuff was going on when we went on break and I know it will start right up again...they are doing a lot in the field in the next couples months and people will probably be let go that I really like :-( It is even more important for me to keep a good atitude about it all.
Also, thank C for getting me an iPad, it makes it SO MUCH EASIER to blog than my ancient computer :-)
16 hours ago
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