Monday, August 10, 2009

Craft Room...Again

Sorry guys to post about this so much but I have been trying to figure it out for days and quite frankly, I don't have anything else exciting going on right now :-)

I like this green color. It is one of 6 colors (she tells what color it is in one of the pictures) that is hanging on the wall at Craig's house right now where I was staring at them trying to decide what I wanted. I think that I like it even better now. I will have white storage containers, not silver.

Here is the sort of yellow color I was thinking about. Here is another picture of a different room but I really think that after seeing the green in action I am going to do that one.....though when I looked up the feng shui thing it said whites and white, but it makes me think about the yellow again....such decisions!

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

That green looks very similar to the green we painted our living room, and I love it! It feel so fresh, and happy.