Tomorrow I go home!! I am home for the next two weeks (sort of) and I am so excited. I can't wait.
Today/tonight Craig and I figured out how much vacation we had left and I think that we have decided to take another trip this year. We are trying to decide where to go and here are a couple of the suggestions he had (I will go almost anywhere and do anything):
--Southwest (New Mexico, Grand Canyon)
--Wisconsin/Canada/Michigan (mostly to the central part for the leaves, the center of Wisconsin is very much like New England with the lighthouses and the leaves and all that. Milwaukee is where Craig grew up and we would sneak in a Green Bay game while we were there. He said he wasn't sure I would like it because there isn't as much to do. I had to inform him that on most of my vacations I just chill..he is the one who always wants to go, go, go and I normally only run around when I am with him :-) )
--New England/Nova Scotia (leaves and such)
--Key West (I was SHOCKED that Craig suggested this since he is not a beach person).
I am not sure which I want the most. The Wisconsin or New England ones would be the cheapest because they don't involve flights or rental car. We spent a bit on our June trip and out little vacation nest egg from change isn't quite ready for another trip so I would like to do the cheaper option, but I have wanted to go to the Grand Canyon and Key West!
Craig finished the bathroom on Tuesday night, now we just need to find some guest towels and stuff we like....should be easy. I will take after pics and I am hoping to get mine done this weekend. We need to put the carpet and trim in and then I need to "build" all my furniture. I am planning on stopping by Ikea tomorrow on my way home from the Cincinnati airport to get the table. I think that it is supposed to rain all weekend (which should make watching Lance ride on Saturday tons of fun) so that will be a good time to get everything situated and with no traveling next week I will be able to be all set up and well rested for my visit from my sister's family!
In 24 hours I will be home!!!
16 hours ago
I vote for NE...big surprise, right?! Don't bother with Nova Scotia...outside of Halifax it is a dump. Seriously.
Key West is nice, but won't it be hurricane season this fall? I don't think Craig would be bored there though after a day or two.
Michigan and Canada seem fun too.
Craig loves Nova Scotia...not sure what the appeal is for him but after your trip, I am skeptical :-)
I think that I would like to go to Wisconsin just because Craig always talks about it and I want to see where he grew up and stuff.
Hmm, decisions, decisions. We are supposed to talk about it this weekend so we will see :-)
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