Monday, April 20, 2009

I am famous...

Ok, maybe not famous but click here read down to this part -
"An assortment of signs from Atlanta, including a memorable one reading “Size Does Matter: Give Me Smaller Government.” (At least I assume that last word is “government”; it’s sort of hard to read.)" The "assortment of signs from Atlanta" is mine :-)! I made it to someone else's fun!

By the way, that is what the sign said and I kept trying to get it without that girl's head in the way but I couldn't and I was getting cold.

Just thought I would share....I got curious as to why my photo had over 2500 hits and now I know why.


Mollypants said...

you should TOTALLY put that your freelance work was picked up by CNN on your resume! Congrats!

Zane Hollingsworth said...

I agree with Molly. I'd definitely promote the fact that CNN ran one of your photos. Congrats!