Since Rebecca (and Drena) tagged me, here are my seven things:
1. When I was little I used to worry that people in China and other parts of the world had learned the wrong religion and they might not get to go to heaven. It would get me really upset but my mom assured me that they would be ok.
2. I am a VERY sentimental person when it comes to days. I can remember the days of most things that have happened of significances to me in my life, the trouble is that they are not always significant to anyone else. I like to use this memory to mark anniversaries...except that no one else ever remembers the event that I am talkng about so it doesn't really work very well and I usually end up hearing "how do you remember that?"
3. If I care about someone then I will get really upset if I feel like I hurt them or they are mad at me. I don't really care if everyone likes me because I know my personality is not for everyone, but if it is someone I care about then it drives me nuts if I hurt their feelings (even accidentally) and I will do everything I can to get them to not be upset with me anymore.
4. My dream job would be to travel the world and do travel photography. That one might not be as big of a shock but it is still a fact.
5. I am probably the biggest saver that any of you know! I can't believe when I hear statistics like I did this morning on the Today Show...that in 1980 people saved $10 out of every $100 they made and now they only save $.60 out of every $100. Material things are just not that important to me so I am more likely to splurge on travel then I am on a car or designer clothes. I am in it for the experience, but mostly I save.
6. I think that one of the most important things in a marriage (and I am not married so this is only through observation), is to have your girls/guys time. The most successful marriages that I have witnessed are when it is a true partnership and when both parties have their time "away" to just be with the girls/guys. I think that it is important to have that sense of identity (you guys can tell me if I am wrong).
7. I am, in a way, a hopeless romantic. I always feel that people end up with who they are supposed to be with and I like those sort of happy endings in movies. Movies like "My Best Friend's Wedding" where she doesn't get the man, are not for me. I also believe that sometimes (most of the time) it takes kissing some frogs before you get your Prince. I also truly believe that none of those awful divorce statistics will ever apply to any of my friends (and you can thank my sister's friends who are almost all on their second marriage :-))
As for tagging:
1. Beth (high school friend with a blog)
2. Terah (just leave a comment since you don't have a blog....)
3. Alyson (my sister)
4. Morgan (has a blog but doesn't really use it :-))
5. Chelsea Himes Wall (cause I know you visit sometimes)
6. Lidia (wherever you might be in the world, would love to hear from you if you still check in)
7. Someone who I don't know that might read this...just leave a comment or link to your blog.
16 hours ago
Here it goes...
1. Even though most people think of me as completely scatterbrained...I am actually very organized when it comes to my job and somewhat of a workaholic.
All of my work files are extremely organized, I keep all of my correspondences, and I never miss a deadline. (I'll stay up all hours of the night to get something done.) But...where did I put my keys???
2. My two favorite things to discuss are politics and religion. I am a die-hard conservative republican. I believe in small government and captialism. I attend a small baptist church and believe that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. However, I truly love talking with people who have completley differnet views. I want to know why they believe what they believe and what made them come to that decision. I hate arguing about it...but love having a good discussion.
3. Lately, I can not stand reading fiction books...they bore me to death. However, I am really into reading anything non-fiction...biographies and anything to do with war history.
4. I love reading your blogs! I check them several times a day to see if you guys have updated them. It makes me feel connected to all my GA friends. I had lost touch with so many of you since I left Athens a "few" years ago.
5. I hate being told what to do. If Kory (or anyone) tells me to do something. I will get extremely stubborn and refuse to do it. Just a silly example...I was at a restaurant and they brought out the food and told us not to touch the plates because they were like 500 degrees...all I wanted to do was touch the plate. Stupid, I know.
6. I love roller coasters but hate ferris wheels. I'm scared to death of getting stuck at the top.
7. I secretly want to be a rock star. The problem with that is I can't sing at all...oh well. But I sing and dance around the house all the time when no one can hear or see me.
So there you have it...
Terah (Kinser) DeFore
YAY! I am glad you responded :-) I think that I knew some of those things but it was fun to read the others!
Nice seven. Have to say the dream job is not too big of a surprise, but some of the others (the sentimental days) were new.
Terah- Good luck these next few days (or possibly years). Finding it almost impossible to have any conversations worth anything with some of my more liberal friends. They tend to crumble to "McCain is evil" or "Well, you're in the minority if you think that". I think they are still highly upset that bush won (TWICE!).
I will never understand why people get so bent out of shape when they don't agree with your views on something...isn't that the whole point of having a two party (or three if you want to argue that) system? Terah and I don't agree on that much with politics but we have never yelled at each other and have always had good conversations where we both say "huh, didn't think of that". Also, I know you are dealing with it with your liberal friends, but the McCain side is just as bad..had a few friends tell me I was nuts too :-) I guess it is good that people get so passionate about it but don't get angry people (from either side). Just because I don't agree with McCain's (or some of Obama's)policies, doesn't make him the least bit just means that he has a different answer to the is as simple as that. No side is 100% right...EVER! (of course, I switch who I vote for a lot :-) Voted for Bush the first time and Kerry the second time, so maybe I have a more neutral outlook).
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