I have thought about this a bit.....remember when we would all discuss what our big New Year's resolutions would be (or at least my friends did). I can remember years when I *made* my friends come up with one. It was always the same stuff- lose weight, be better with money, start up a new hobby, get organized, get rid of a boy or something similar. This year I decided that I am not going to really make any resolutions. I usually really like doing this but I think that the purpose is to change something that you don't like about yourself and I don't really feel like doing that this year. Not that I am perfect, and I am not saying that AT ALL, but I feel like I have had a very good year this year. If I look back on it then I don't want to make it negative by talking about what I want to change. Sure, there are things that I wish were a little different, but I am also really thankful for what I have and what I have accomplished this year. In honor of that, here are a few things that have made me really happy this year:
--Watching all the friends of mine who have become parents. From the outside looking in, it is so cute to see how as the belly grows they all promise that things will still be the same and then they get the little buddle of joy and immediately fall in love and nothing is ever the same. I am lucky to say that all my friends are great parents.
--Along those same lines is watching my little sister become a mother and to watch and see just how good of parents her and Zach are to Ariyana. Oh, and that whole falling in love thing, yeah, that would be Ariyana for me....I would do anything for that child!!
--Keeping my photography business going and having about 20 clients that I get to see every three months. I have really enjoyed watching all of the kids grow up and growing my own skills (the money isn't bad either).
--Entering a photo contest and having a photo selected!
--Being able to count down the number of weeks until my move while just using my fingers (exact date not know) and having it all work out for the very best. I really couldn't have asked for a better response from everyone involved. I am really excited about it and having Craig here for a week just made me more excited.
--Growing closer with some of my friends that I have lost touch with or haven't seen in a while (mostly through this blog and facebook but it has still been great). Also, growing closer with some of the friends that I do see more often.
--Starting a completely new department at work and being successful at it. The best part is gaining the respect of the people who told me that there was no way I would accomplish what I set out to do and now have thanked me for the progress.
--Buying a rental property and having it rented a week later (thanks Drena!!)
--Learning so much about myself this year. I can't really explain that part and I never really believed in the "finding yourself" thing but if I did believe in it then I would say that this was the year it happened for me.
--Not knowing anyone who has lost their job due to the economy! Times have been tougher but I am glad that my friends and family have been ok. I hope that continues to be the case.
There is one thing that I am going to try to do next year, starting January 1st. I really want to improve my photography with natural light so I am going to start some sort of place (blog, flickr, something) to keep up with all my photos for the year. I am not going to be unrealistic and say that I want to do a photo a day (though I would love to do that) but I am going to try to get in at least 325 pictures next year and none can be on the same day. If any of the rest of you that dabble in photography would like to participate then let me know and I will set up a group on flickr or a blog where we can all post. I want to make a collage out of it at the end of next year. The goal is to use no flash at all, and no strobes, off camera lights or anything like that. So, just sun and lights you can turn on in your house. If you are interested, let me know and I will start the group. Craig would probably do it too.
Anyway, that is my only goal for 2009. Sure, there are other things that I could do like be organized, cleaner, and eat healthier, but those are sort of on-going goals anyway.
Hope everyone has a Happy New Year! Be safe tonight!
11 hours ago