I just caught up on Molly's blog where she mentioned my name, not once, but TWICE in her post about being back in the Corporate world and how tired it makes her. She asked how I did it....well, to be honest, it is HARD. I litearally work from 9am until midnight, if not later every night. I take a break for exercise some days and if I don't have any pictures to edit, questions to answer, orders to fulfill, or new appointments to schedule then I have more time to myself, which I immediately fill with something else like crocheting. On weekends I work from 8:30am until about 4pm most days. I guess her post sort of made me think about my personality. I had a few previous posts about how it was hard for me to relax and just lay around and do nothing over the holidays (though I did get better at it). I think that this fact works well for me when I am basically working two jobs. And, she also made a good point about how your 9-5 job is never 9-5, but neither is a job where you own your own business. There are lots of people who I hear say that they want to own their own business because they work too much and/or don't want to work for someone else. That sounds great but when you get right down to it, you will work harder with your own business. I have had clients call me earlier than I was awake on weekends and pretty close to the time I would be going to bed on weeknights. My name is attached to everything to do with my photography so I am more likely to make sure that everything goes smoothly. I didn't quite jump into it like Molly did, but it did happen a little quicker than I thought it would. I am lucky in that I really do enjoy doing it, just like she does, but it does get hard to find time for it. I tried really hard to take a break over the holidays so I could sort of get refreshed a little bit. I also didn't schedule any sessions for this next weekend so I could have a full two weeks off. I think that will help me to reset some of my energy and to get some things accomplished that I wanted to in order to better position my business.
of course, now that I am sitting back at my desk in the corporate world, I just keep thinking about the list that I should be making of the things that I need to get done for my photography business. I guess I am still trying to find the balance myself. It seems like whenever I am doing one thing, I am just thinking about what else I want to do. Luckily though, I don't bring the corporate job home at all. I work hard when I am in the office and when I am out, I am out!
So, really there was no point to this post, but I guess her post just made me think which made me ramble. Hopefully I will have something more interesting for you later today.
17 hours ago
I think you're right on about taking time off from it by scheduling a couple of weeks with no clients. When I started doing the art thing full-time, I got advice from a woman who had done it and one of the things that I remember her telling me is to ensure that I take time to do something completely non-art-related. The last thing you want to do is turn what you love into a chore or something you dread. I find that if I do things that aren't related to it, I easily come up with the motivation to do it the next time. That being said, I'm exhausted and I worked a pretty short day at the corporate gig.
yeah, it sort of lends a lot of meaning to that saying that the grass is always greener :-) When I get really busy I feel like I don't have time for anything that isn't photography and when I don't do any photography for a while I miss it.
Oh well, so is life. I am happy 90% of the time so I must be doing something right :-0
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