It is tough working two jobs :-) I finally got all caught up on my orders for my photography yesterday and then I got one this morning....and I have 5 sessions this weekend and 6 next weekend. I wonder how many of them will want pictures by xmas....hmmm.
Anyway, not too much new on my front. After really thinking about it and after having Craig talk to some of his friends in Dayton, I think that I am going to choose the Residenz. I know that some of you suggested downtown and that would be cool if I could really walk places but unlike now when I can walk to the grocery, post office, bank, restuarants, and the park, I can only walk to one of them there. There is no public transportation that I can use to get to any of those places (other than a bus maybe, but who knows) and I can't use it to get to work. Combine that with the fact that I would have more room for cheaper by not living there, I would be closer to Craig and work, and it seems sort of silly. I haven't fully decided yet might change several times before I actually move.
So, I started my new "diet". A little background. You can go to this website and enter in everything you eat and then get a little analysis of fat, protein, carbs, cholestorol, and other stuff. I started doing it a little while back and then tried to be good about it when I decided that I needed to reduce my body fat percentage. When I looked at it before I was aware of what I was eating, it turns out that about 70% of my calories came from carbs. I also talked to Adam some about what he knows about nutrition and dug up some stuff from when I went to the nutritionist a while back.....the result? It looked like carbs are definitely my downfall. You know I am really anti cutting out food group diets, but in this case it was so obvious that I was eating too many carbs. I decided to try a couple weeks with no bread, pasta, sweets, or potatoes. This has been extremely hard for me but supposedly if you do it for a few weeks then your body will adjust and you will process them faster and just not crave as much. I also read that I could go through Carb Withdrawal.....weird. After having done this for 3 days though, I will say that I feel better. I don't feel stuffed when I finish eating but I feel satisfied and then I am not hungry as quickly. I don't feel like I am as run down but that could just be a coincidence. It definitely makes me feel lighter which is sort of a weird side effect that I am not sure how to explain. We will see how it goes but it seems pretty good so far although I am not sure if it has affected the body fat percentage or not but maybe over time. The hardest part is snacks...I usually grab some popcorn or something sweet probably and now I can't. Also, it does force you cook more but I sort of like that anyway. I have some yummy lemon-lime cilantro chicken in the oven :-) Don't worry though, I still am getting plenty of carbs...the last few days they have still been about 20-30% of my calories....
Other than that...I have been knitting some hats (mostly at Craig's)...I think that they turned out pretty cute and I am going to try to take pictures of them this weekend so I can show you guys if I don't get to it before then.
17 hours ago
Good is especially hard to diet this time of year. :)
I don't feel quite like I am dieting but the holiday parties will be a little tough. I have two this weekend. I think that the fact that I am nver hungry and like what I am eating helps!
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