I haven't been sick this many times in forever...I wonder what the deal is....I blame it on all the cute and cuddly little ones that I have been holding and playing with lately....they are so cute and I always want to hold them but they definitely carry germs and I know I saw little Charlotte's nose running and so was my niece's....grant it, I wasn't kissing all over Charlotte like I was my niece...so it is probably Ariyana's fault!
I have taken Zicam religiously for the last 12 hours and I took a vitamin C pill that the Target pharmacist recommended....I don't know how I feel about this nasty Zicam gel stuff...it seems to make the sore throat worse. I also gave strict orders to Craig to make sure that I am laying in my bed by 10:30. I do not want to be sick for this wedding. It makes me sad cause I found a cute little place to order props for my photography from...I need ideas for boys!! I also found a cool website that lists photography contests that I wanted to check out....most of them are free so I thought, why not? Then there is the working on the albums for my clients who will be turning 1 soon and finishing the other one, plus getting together my xmas special....and I am not going to be able to get any of it done tonight....I guess it is better to get sleep tonight so I can do more tomorrow.
18 hours ago
Sorry if we got you sick :( I know what you mean, I haven't been sick in years and I have had 3 or 4 colds in the past 4 months.
get better soon!
it is ok Carrie, I should know that when I play with little ones I will get sick....looks like a few people there on Saturday got sick....who knows where it came from.
Hope you feel better soon! Owen got sick over the weekend too. Think it is just what happens when you are around little ones.
Hope you feel better soon! Get as much rest as you can and drink lots of fluids (coming from someone who is constantly around little germ carrying people!)
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