Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Nothing political :-) YAY! So, I was curious, do any of you take vitamins other than maybe a multi? I have been really tired lately even though I get 7-8 of sleep and people always say to take vitamins..then there are all the specialty vitamins that make your hair/nails grow, make you have good skin or whatever else seems to be the hype de jour.....just curious if any of you have taken anything that you felt like really worked. How long did you have to take it before you saw a difference? Just curious.


Drena said...

We take fish oil. I am not sure if I can tell a difference, but I do know that I am rarely sick. I never have colds, usually only stomach problems occasionally.

Mel said...

I tried that but I felt like I burped fish oil... Yuck!!! Maybe I will try again.

Drena said...

I take it at night before I go to bed to prevent fish oil burps. I've also heard you can freeze them.

Meredith said...

I think the Nature Made "Odorless" kind would prevent the burps. I used to take that kind and never had any burps. I'm taking the Target brand this go around (cheaper) and it tastes kinda fishy when I swallow so I hold my breath. Haven't noticed any fishy burps with it. good luck!

Mel said... burps!

Mollypants said...

I just take a multi if I remember, but I do the Neil-Med Sinus Rinse to prevent sinus infections...I was getting ten a year until that plus surgery...seriously, the Sinus Rinse just WORKS. it's all natural, and it's not even "taking" anything in your wash every other part of your body, why not your sinuses, right? anyway, it's amazing. Do it every other day and you'll never get a sinus infection.

Mel said...

Molly, I don't even know what that is but I will look it up...I have never had a sinus infection before...

Unknown said...

I have been taking a one-day-one multi vitamin supplement which I buy from Goldshield for over a year now. I found that I was less fatigued than before, but what works for one person may not work for someone else. Let us know if you discover anything that is really good.