--did you know that my heart beats about 80 beats per second when I drive to the gym?
--did you know that my heart beated faster walking up the stairs and to my car then it did in the 20 mins that I did the "free step" on Wii Fit last night?
--Why will people sit on the toilet at work and at a hotel but not in a restaurant? Do people that work and stay in hotels have cleaned butts than people who eat out?
--How exactly should you handwash a sweater and does it really make that big of a difference if you put it in the wash on cold?
I am sure I have more but I don't know what they are right now...
So, here is my other random thing...I am starting to get together some stuff for the move and making a list of what I need. One thing that I am going to need is a mattress for Atlanta. I obviously am taking my bed with me so I need something to sleep on here. It doesn't have to be anything great so I was looking online at them and they are really expensive! I got my mattress like 7 years ago and I think that it was like $500 but considered pretty middle of the road. I thought that surely I could get one for $200 or so. No such luck. Then I got really curious because I know I had seen them on Craigslist so I went there to look. They had tons on there at good prices. Have you guys ever gotten a used mattress and how do you feel about it? I mean, I sleep on a lot of hotel beds and I am sure we have all heard about the special where they show what is in hotel rooms, but at the same time, it sort of grosses me out to get a used mattress....hmmmm, would just like to know your thoughts. Any precautions I could/should take? Worse case scenario would be that my mom has some twin beds, but they are not comfy and they are twin beds....any other ideas of a cheaper solution for my mattress problem?
17 hours ago
If you really just want a cheap place to sleep, those Aero beds are actually pretty comfortable. You can get them in whatever size. They have them at Costco from time to time for decent prices. It's not like a permanent solution for every day, but if you are only sleeping on it a few days a month, it would save you some cash (and it's portable, in case you ever decide to get rid of your place here!)
I actually did think about that but they were all over in price and I couldn't figure out what was good, I might go that route though and I actually didn't even think about the fact that they are portable...good thinking.
Overstock.com. I got an off-brand tempurpedic (literally the exact same thing as it - made in the same factory, the only difference is that it doesn't say tempurpedic on the cover) queen sized for $285 with free shipping. It comes to your house in a big roll, you cut the plastic off and it expands over two days. You don't even need a box spring and it's like $20 worth of wood to make the platform for it if you don't want to pay $100 for a platform bed from Ikea.
If you don't want to order online, there's a mattress barn out between Athens and Atlanta - I got one there for $150 with free delivery in college. It's literally in a big old round barn and it's freezing, but it's CHEAP!
If you can sleep on a hotel mattress, then you should be fine with a used one if you want to go that direction. The only time I can see a hotel actually cleaning a mattress is if some got shot & bleed all over it. Otherwise mattresses NEVER get cleaned (in the short time I owned a hotel we didn't clean a single mattress).
We have an extra double or full mattress in our basement that you are welcome to use. We had it in the baby's room and probably won't be needing it for a good long while. I never slept on it but Meghan and Erin did.
That was the coldest night ever. and I do not want to know all the places that mattress has been.
Really no other advice on used mattresses other then I have slept on Matt's pre-me one from college and it is pretty nasty, but still it does the purpose of being our guest bed.
Have you checked prices at Sams or Costco? Just a thought if you're still thinking new.
and on your randomness... I've often wondered about the sweater thing too. I was lazy and instead of handwashing I put it in the wash on delicate... seems to be just fine, a little fuzzy though.???
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