Since mostly girls read this, I figure I can post about this...and no, it has nothing to do with my period or if a boy is reading, relax.
I just feel a little emotional lately (and not due to above reasons) and I don't know what it is but the last two days I have been bad about that. I mean yesterday I let that client get to me even though I really don't care and knew when I sent the email that some of them would react that way and then today I got mad at my allergy doctor. Then I get annoyed that I get upset and then....well, you see the pattern....
Ok, so I go to the allergy doctor (which I haven't been to in 3 years according to them but I know that is not right). I have asthma and I am really allergic to dust and dogs and some kitties. So, when I started dating Craig, I needed medicine to help with all of that since his dog weighed as much as I do and he had a cat. Since I don't use the medicine every day, it expires or runs out...I mean it has probably legitimately been 2 years since I went there and I had a prescription for a year and it is two years later, I have to go back to him to get a refill before I move. I also wanted to ask him about the fact that I had a huge problem with my asthma back in December when I switched to Yaz....and he didn't even listen to me. He said it might have been xmas popourri or the xmas tree. Um, I don't have any popourri and I have had a xmas tree every year since I was born and the same type of tree, so he says maybe it was the popourri in the stores...I should have told him that Craig and I laid around for 5 days straight so that wasn't it either, but it didn't seem worth, the fact that my asthma has been fine for 12 years with the exception of what I am allergic to and the fact that the only thing I changed was this pill, doesn't lead you to the conclusion that they might be related? Interesing....His advice...just keeping taking the pill (though i had already switched back to my old one because I couldn't breathe for a week). I am not saying that it couldn't have been a coincidence but didn't even entertain the idea...popourri?? I guess I will try the pill one more time (I had asked Erin about it and she had the same advice and I trust her way more anyway) I might as well just pay him to write me a prescription. When I told Craig the story he asked if the doctor was older and said that he probably came from a time when women couldn't talk about what bothered them and they just had to suck it up...that made me laugh...needless to say, I am not going back to him. I will find a nicer doctor in Ohio to give me my meds...too bad I can't just get Erin to do it :-) Craig's cat doesn't really bother me so I am hoping that after I am there for a while I will get used to him (and the cat I want to get) and will not have any need for any medicine other than when I am around other people's pets....when do I grow out of that? Allergies suck!
So, as you see, neither of these incidents was a big deal AT ALL, yet they both got me worked up....
I will just have to keep telling myself...17 days until Greece :-)
17 hours ago
I think Craig may be on to something with his "older doctor" theory. About 5 or 6 years ago I had about 6 or 7 sinus infection in about a 4 month period. My doctor finally decided to send me to an ENT, so I asked for a recommendation. The one she sent me to was about 100 and probably ready to retire any second. He kept telling me I just had the flu. Seriously? The flu? I had no symptoms of the flu. I just had a bunch of sinus infections. I had even gone for a CT scan, which showed a blockage in my sinuses, but he maintained it was just 2 months of flu. I didn't believe that, so I went to see Josh's ENT (who also had come highly recommended by a friend of my mom's), and he determined that I needed surgery, or else run the risk of infection. I had the surgery and have only had sporadic sinus issues since then. Flu my foot! I think sometimes older doctors just say whatever is the first thing to come to their mind because they know they're just counting down the days left...Anyway, good luck with the medicine. And the pets!
I second the above - the exact same thing happened to me. Personally, I think that if you have a gut feeling about your health, go see someone else - you know more about your body than they do. Get a second opinion, even if it's to just ease your mind. I would say go see an ENT about the asthma thing though - it's so interconnected, you never know what could be causing what.
Good luck, sorry you're feeling crappy :(
Oh, and as for BC...the nuva-ring. Best thing EVER. Sorry if it's TMI!
I forgot to tell you...have you tried a daily spray like Nasonex or Flonase? I am really allergic to dust as well and I really think it helps a lot. It's a pain to have to remember it every day, but if it helps you breathe, it'd be worth it, right?
Yeah, I have flonase and about 4 other prescriptions and they work well and truthfully, after I am around a pet on a regular basis I am fine. The issue was more with me wanting to know that was going on with the bc and my asthma...I have tried looking it up, asked my gyno, my allergist, and Erin. None of them had really ever heard of it before I guess it is just me. I am going to try again for another month or two and see what happens. At least I have medicine now that will help....
I'd be willing to bet it's what everyone else said too... about the doctor.
I hate that "frazzled" feeling where you get mad when you know you shouldn't or you don't normally get mad... :(
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