Friday, June 27, 2008

Sweet Treats

I have a real sweet tooth lately (I seem to go through these phases). I have been trying to think of something that will satisfy it that is not that bad for me...anyone have any suggestions?


Drena said...

fruit? certain protein shakes are also sweet. southbeach cookies are pretty good and they are about as good for you as oatmeal.

You can also use sweet'n'low to sweeten things. I have done that before when mixing cut strawberries. I also put it in my grits at Wa Ho.

Mel said...

Yeah, I have a hard time keeping fruit handy cause so much of it needs to be in the fridge...I have eaten at least a piece everyday but it doesn't really satisfy the sweet tooth. Now that you say the southbeach cookies I remember that I really like the oatmeal ones! Great idea!

Mollypants said...

I just saw that they have 100 calorie packs now with chocolate covered pretzels...mmmmm
I used to eat dried apricots a lot when I was working in the corporate world. Tastes like candy!

Meredith said...
