Thursday, July 24, 2008

Singledom at its worse....or is it at its best...

cause it doesn't matter. Here is the inventory of paper products and essentials in my paper towels, no napkins, 1/4 roll of toilet paper, 1 kleenex, and 1 little soap thingy for the dishwasher. I am also out of peanut butter (or will be when I finish my dinner). Um, I think that I need to go to Target....good thing I have no husband or kids cause I would be the worst mom/wife ever to leave them for 10 days like this...


Anonymous said...

don't feel bad. I have a husband and kid and probably have as much or less than you do in your house...I'm a slacker...or a new mom whose husband is never home??? I do have plenty of diapers. I guess that is all that matters! :)
- terah

Rebecca said...

Well, what do you need all that stuff for anyway if you are hadrly ever home? :)

Mollypants said...

I haven't bought napkins since the 90's. I use paper towels. For that matter, I haven't used Kleenex either, I use the softest toilet paper anyway and it's a helluva lot more convenient. I also have used toilet paper as coffee filters and live by the five-second rule. Oh, and the microwave has been broken for months now and is only used as a breadbox to keep the mice out. No, we're not dirty, though - the mice are part of the deal when you live in the city ;) But really, isn't that the beauty of being single sometimes? Spending your money on something ridiculously exhorbitant, and then completely avoiding the stuff you're SUPPOSED to be buying?

Mel said...

I don't use napkins either but paper towels are a must with all the kids in and out! And I need soft ones to wipe spitup off their faces :-). As for Kleenex, pretty sure the one that is in there has been there since xmas oh well. I did have to get tp today cause it was gone between the peeing and the runny nose. Now I am gone for 10 days so the other stuff can wait :-) and yes, it really is the best part of being single :-)