Never figured out if they paid for it or not but actually discovered that the guy sitting next to me was also the baby's "daddy". That's right, for the slow ones out there...two daddies. I am not sure how you guys feel about this but I have to say that I am all for it. They looked so happy and they were absolutely adorable with her. They were switching her off so I got to play with her a little bit and they had a ton of stuff to entertain her. She is going to be a year old on the cute. She was really smart too! He would ask her where her foot was and she would lift it and then he would repeat it and kiss her foot.....then he would ask her where her hand was and she would lift that and he would repeat and kiss it. It was adorable and the two of them were so cute with her. I know a lot of people don't think that same sex couples should be able to adopt but I don't know that many of them have ever seen a couple in action. These two guys couldn't have possibly loved this little girl anymore and I learned that in a 4 hour flight. They loved her so much that they passed her back and forth because they wanted to hold her and share her. You have heard me blog about parents who were horrible with kids on planes and here is this couple who was so AWESOME with their little girl. Why does it matter that she has two daddies? I don't know the circumstances behind how they got her and didn't think that it was appropriate (obviously) to ask, but I like to pretend that something happened to her real mom that was out of her control and that this couple got her and will raise her to be a loved and smart little girl. Do you ever wish that you could get an update on someone you flew next to? I do...this would be one of those times.
Speaking of which, I saw the guy I rode next to on Sunday at Starbucks in the airport today...weird.
17 hours ago
sweet! i don't think it should matter as long as they love her and provide her a great life!
I totally agree!! I just know that not everyone feels that way...
I hate to say this, and I know that I'll get a thousand people thinking that I need to hand in my Southerner ID Card, but I have never had any sort of problem with it - in fact, I have WAY more of a problem with Angelina Jolie or Madonna burning up thousands of gallons of jet fuel to go rescue an orphan in a foreign country when there's thousands of kids rotting away in the foster-care system here. Yet, they're criticizing the US' response to Katrina orphans and being all condescending with their "we must go green" BS. Hell, I know a whole lot more screwed-up kids that came from straight families than from gay families!
Do you watch 30 Days (the show by the guy who did the Super-Size Me documentary)? The episode from last week (or maybe the week before) was about this very topic. They had a Mormon woman go live with 2 gay men who were raising 4 adopted sons. The woman had a HUGE problem with it, and she was the first person I can remember who came out of the experience not budging one bit on her opinion. But I thought it was nice that these men were providing a loving & caring home for those boys. I agree - it's much better for 2 men or 2 women to provide a loving home for a child than for the children to be in substandard or abusive conditions with a man & a woman, or no parents at all.
Well, totally agree. With the hoops you have to go through to adopt (and I imagine it is even more being anything other then "traditional" parents) you know these people really want and will love that child. So much better then having a child abused or born into a home where they really are not wanted.
Oh, and the whole Angleina/Brad, Madonna thing. It makes me ill. I seriously wonder how they even listen to themselves. A few weeks ago Angelina was talking about how they are just going to try to manage when the twins get here and Brad's parents will help and they are lucky because if they need to they can always get a nanny??????? You already have like five. Do not even sit there and act like you and Brad are the only ones taking care of those kids.
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