Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Surely 104% isn't good, right?

Or am I just a wimp? Today I wore Al for my second personal training session and it was sort of tough at one point. I have to say that even though I sweated A LOT today, I did feel like it was a bit easier than last time. The one thing that was so hard was this long massive hill that we had to run up. Dudley said she had never made it all the way to the top running and that she normally had to stop but today she did just fine! We go again tomorrow....

On another note...what is up with these TV shows?
Greatest American Dog
I Survived a Japanese Game Show
Baby Borrowers (was going to put the link here but apparently NBC's website is down so I will add it later.)

I really hope those writers don't go back on strike because I need some normal shows again!

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