So in exchange for these suggestions and advice from you, I thought that I would tell you about something that I love. The other night that Sex and the City episode was on where Carrie loses all her information on her computer (sort of made me wonder how she had the book later but maybe she used the paper copies of her column). A while back I was super paranoid that I would lose a client's pictures either before I edited them or before I ordered them so I would back them all up. I put them on my computer but then wouldn't delete them off of the SD card until I had backed them up to a CD, then as I got more clients it became a DVD and then I started to have so many sessions in a weekend that I needed all the SD cards to be ready for use and needed to clean them every week. As you can imagine, this got to be a lot of DVDs and I have a really small place so I needed another option. I had heard about external hard drives but being so technically challenged as I am, I wasn't sure which one to get. What do I do? Send Craig to research for know how boys love their toys! 15 mins later he had three options for me and off to Best Buy we went. One of the choices was the one I have linked to here and since it was on sale it was the one that I got. I absolutely LOVE it!! It holds 320GB (though they come in other sizes) and my computer is only 100GB to give you an idea. You don't need a power supply, you just plug it into your USB port. Once you plug it in it will show up as another drive that you can copy and paste items to. It is literally that simple! It also comes with a little case to keep it safe. I thought that some of you might be able to use such a device (with all the baby pictures or work that you have on your computers) so I thought I would share. I can't remember how much I paid for mine but I know they go on sale quite a bit. There are also other brands that I am sure are just as good but I don't have those so I can't vouch for them.
16 hours ago
Eat Love Pray. I haven't finished it yet, but I really like it.
Um, I agree with Drena, that book changed my life. It made me leave the corporate world though - so be forewarned! It's one of those books that makes you look to yourself, not to what SHE did.
My Friend Leonard was good too - the sequel to A Million Little Pieces. I cried the whole time.
The Power of Now is great too, I gave just about my whole family copies for Xmas, bdays, etc.
My other book recommendation is Way of the Peaceful Warrior - I tore through it and it's a really inspiring book.
As for backing up - yeah, good call. It happened to me. I lost so much it was ridiculous. I run an Apple and got the Time Capsule - it's $300 but it's a 500g Wireless Hard Drive that is also a router and makes devices like a printer route to all your computers, both PC and Mac. It automatically backs you up every hour and just takes a clone of your hard drive. It's amazing.
I knew that you guys would recommend Eat Love Pray and I looked it up on Amazon and it was funny cause people either loved it or hated it...I will add that one...
I did read My Friend Leonard (own it in fact) and I liked it but I liked A Million Little Pieces better.
I haven't lost anything yet but I have the awful vista which I HATE so I am always paranoid that something will happen...I have been lucky in that nothing has quite yet. My little device will do an automatic update but I never have it plugged in cause I move around a lot with my computer. I also usually have a wacom tablet hooked to it....makes editing a breeze!
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