(I typed this in my blackberry on the plane but since the darn internet on that thing doesn't work I had to email it to myself and then copy and paste it). This morning started out a little hectic. I forgot that I needed to allow extra time for marta and I forgot that I wasn't flying delta (who I normally fly) so I wasn't sure how far in advance I needed to check my bag! I got scare because when I got to the airport I had to walk a ways to get to american and there seemed to be lines everywhere. Not good. Then the good luck started. For whatever reason the lines were not for the domestic check in that I needed. Score. I checked in t 7:52 for my 8:45 flight! Then there was security and again I lucked out because that only took 5 mins and since I was at the t gate I was already at my gate. Yay! Then I got on the plane and all is good until the devil child got on. He was about 3 or 4 and he was screaming. Now, I don't have kids but most people I know do and I am pretty sure that they would not let a child that old scream like that on a plane but the mom was acting like nothing was wrong! The I was lucky enough to have them sit across the aisle and behind me. Super! The lady next to me had a theory at first that maybe he was kidnapped cause when she got divorced from her first husband she told her daughter to scream if her dad tried to put her on a plane the first time that she went to visit him. It actually wasn't a bad theory, this kid was going nuts! He was also saying something (or screaming it) but it was chinese or japanese or something so we didn't know what it was. It seemed like he wanted something so I told that lady next to me that they should just give him what wanted. She said that was a bad idea because he would pitch a bigger fit next time and I said I didn't care as long as I want on a plane with him the next time. I also told her that the mom wasn't the best parent to begin with because when I was that age and I started to pitch a fit all I would have needed was one look from my mom and it would have been over really fast! This kid was too old for this for this long in my opinion and had the mom done anything I would have thought it was just one of those moments where the parents really can't help that their kid is having a meltdown but this seemed more like a regular occurrence that they ignored and that I feel like is bad parenting! Luckily after 40 mins of this he fell asleep and was fine after that. If had written this then, it would have been a lot harsher! I think that I told Craig I would see him in denver if I didn't get arrested for killing this kid!
(from later that day) All flights were on time so that was good. We didn't do much once we got back to his parents house and instead just took a nap for a couple hours since we had gotten up so early. After the nap we got a shower and then headed into Boulder to meet up with one of Craig's friends from when he was growing up and his girlfriend. We decided to go to downtown Boulder and ate at this awesome Italian restaurant...mmmmm, pesto cream sauce with gnocchi!! Yummy. I also had two glasses of house chianti and was amazed how tipsy I got from it...darn altitude! We didn't get back to his parents house until midnight CO time which is obviously two hours earlier than our time so it was really 2am for us...needless to say we went to bed really fast, I barely remember my head even hitting the pillow. I will keep you updated!
17 hours ago
glad you made it safely.
Sounds like you are having a good time (except for the flight!). Why do you always write about food???? Now I am craving some Italian even though it is way hot out....
I want some italian food too...especially in the hot weather - italian summers are blistering hot but the food makes it worth it...tomatoes you could eat like an apple, perfect pasta and gelato for miles...mmmmmmm
I will be back on Saturday...I actually have been starting to post on another blog (just about mine and Craig's travels) so I will try to get some of those days finalized tonight so I can post them...are you having withdrawals?
Yes, btw Saturday is spelled wrong in the title. (sorry the lack of new posts is making me cranky!)
Have a great time with your man, man! BTW, I love Italy in the summer too... I could really go for some italian ice (eis for my german times) right now...
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