We fought like cats and dogs during my workout! I thought that maybe it didn't know how to keep time. I was supposed to do 40 mins at my at between 65-83% of my max heart rate. It keeps track of the percentage for you and then if you get below or above it, it will beep really loud until you are back in the target zone. At first I didn't realize that when you are out of the range it will stop counting the time until you get back in it. It took me almost 43 mins to get in 40 mins in my zone. Then, I finished the 40mins and was done so I went to do some situps....I still wanted to record my heart rate cause I was still working out and it shows you calories too...well, it had these weird ranges I was supposed to be in and if I was doing situps it was too low and then if I walked around it was too fast. It was all really bizarre cause I was done with my workout. Oh well. Maybe I will figure it out as I go. When I set up my "program" online it started next week for some reason and didn't have anything for this week so maybe that is why it kept going.
I will say this though, it really kept my mind off of the workout because I was constantly looking at it. It was also hard because I kept having to slow down and that just seems counterintuitive to me...I need to look up how these target heart rates work...overall, I would still recommend one, but I still think that I have a few things to figure out...I will keep you posted.
17 hours ago
I have to say, your ads are cracking me up!
yeah, they can be funny sometimes....and sometimes I actually want to click on them but that is a big no no....maybe you will get some interesting ones I can click on. Has anyone clicked on yours yet?
Checked. I have one click. Do you have any? So, I am at one penny for all the looks and $1.94 for the click. Guess I will get paid in about 5 years.
Yeah, I am at $2.59 so I am definitely kicking your ass! I didn't really expect too much though since I haven't shared it with many people....I don't care if other people read it but I am sure it is not interesting to people who don't know me (not sure if it is even to people who do :-))
I think your blog is confused. You have had the "rock hard" for awhile, but now you also have how to meet cute girls and gay guys...
That is hilarious cause when I see it there are ads for heart rate monitors....maybe it adjusts the ads for the people who are reading it..."rock hard" as in inappropriate rock hard?
yes. also, somehow my revenue went down with the click and I am now at 1.64. thanks for the help!
Yeah, I haven't figured out how they do the revenue yet...but are you sure that it went down and that you just aren't looking at revenue from today only or something..seems weird it would go down...why do they make it such a mystery?
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